Monday, January 21, 2013

Interactive Portion

Personality Quiz:

1. Which one of these emotions are most relatable to you?
·      A. Cheerful optimism
·      B. Anger
·      C. Sadness
·      D. Unemotional calmness

2. How do your friends describe your typical mood?
·      A. Joyful
·      B. Irritable
·      C. Depressed
·      D. Tranquil

3. How do you feel during stressful situation?
·      A. Being able to see the positive in a bad situation
·      B. Upset, why is this happening to me?!
·      C. Unfair, unable to come out of the situation in a good mood
·      D. Undisturbed, knowing that things happen and life will go on

4. Which one of these most applies to you?
·      A. Blood suckling critters
·      B. Wild Winter flowers
·      C. Morning glory juice
·      D. Drinkable gold

5. If you are at party how do you handle yourself?
·      A. Life of the party
·      B. Host
·      C. Drinking away your sorrow
·      D. Wallflower

6. What kind of climate do you live in?
·      A. Warm and moist
·      B. Warm and dry
·      C. Cold and dry
·      D. Cold and moist
7. Where do you feel most pain?
·      A. Liver
·      B. Spleen
·      C. Gall Bladder
·      D. Brain/lungs

8. What element do you identify with?
·      A. Air
·      B. Fire
·      C. Earth
·      D. Water

If you chose A most often you have too much blood. If you picked B most often you have too much yellow bile. If you picked C most often you have too much black bile. If you picked D most often you have too much phlegm in your body. Please refer up to the WebMD symptoms and prescription list under the section: Harvey's Predecessor to properly cure your body according to Galen

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